On my youtube channel, I played a clip from bodyguard training.
This is my routine training. Basically, like everything previously recorded. No recording was done twice. I set up the camera and it works without any special setup and mounting.
This is a slightly more demanding warm-up before bodyguard training, which involves a sparring fight and practice of fighting techniques.
Training is performed in motion. A distance of twenty meters is required. From start to finish, the elements are automatically created in motion.
However, this is a very good combination of training for recreational players.
With comparative training with devices, excellent results are achieved, and I will write more about this in my blog.
Bodyguard training, real bodyguards, is essentially the ultimate recipe for achieving the ideal shape, ideal weight, and maximum health. No rules will oblige you to do everything depending on your conditions and make the most of everything for your training.
The training, unlike the others, is performed in motion. Sometimes it is walking, sometimes running slowly, and sometimes running as fast as possible.
During such movement, elements are worked out that significantly improve the form of movement, coordination, elasticity, and explosiveness of movement.
After such training, you immediately feel the difference, and already tomorrow you are completely different on your feet and you feel at ease in your movements. By combining this type of training with classic strength training, many clients and top athletes improve their form by over 30% in just one month. Of course, it is necessary to harmonize the training rhythm with your training or the profession you are engaged in.
Total beginners and recreational athletes must go through stabilization and muscle endurance phases in order to feel the benefits of this type of training as effectively as possible.
You see.
There is a balance in the balance of forces that the body possesses. If you want to be strong, then you will not be elastic or durable. And vice versa. Power is essentially an advantage that you can convert if you know the secret and rhythm of the process.
The training of a real bodyguard aims to get all potential maximums in one body. When you have such a doctrine, it is easier to adjust the performance that you would like to be at least average. When you know how it works. It is very important that you have certain guidelines as a trainer in order to adapt and construct the most effective way of training.
I will repeat this as much as I need to. There is no ideal style and pattern of training that is good for everyone. There are laws that science proves, and a good coach adapts them to each client individually.
When you are an ordinary citizen who just wants a better quality of life as long as possible, then there are some rules in that universe.
Winter and summer.
In winter, you eat more, it's colder and people move less that is, they are less active because of the cold. In summer, it is more relaxed, and warmer, with sports and the sea. Human metabolism is programmed so that it deposits energy reserves in the winter and then consumes more of them in the summer.
According to automation and logic, it is much better to use pure power in the winter. In the spring, pure power is slowly transformed first into repetitive power (60-70%). In order to start plyometrics in the maximum domain in the summer. Otherwise, depending on the conditions and wishes, everyone can apply for a different order, but as a rule, this is the basis for each elaborated one.
(I wouldn't say much about the profession. Ten years ago I put the book up for sale. Although I have six more ready, the conditions for such a thing to be realized have only recently been created. The bodyguard profession must not be under any institutional influence. There is a code and rules that govern the right bodyguard. He respects the law, cooperates with the police, and fights crime. But....!!! )
It is normal that you cannot reveal many techniques and team tactical actions to a wide circle of people. You must not lose the advantage gained through education for the sake of gaining publicity and the highest number of diplomas and licenses sold.
Let's go back to training, which is very realistically the most useful option for people in this business.
Normally, it is also the most useful possible training for every ordinary person because the ultimate goal is maximum psychophysical fitness.
At the same time, the pieces of training are not limited to one type of training, but everything that is needed is used.
The basic concept is essentially functional training, which over time becomes a hybrid training with the modality of muscle overexertion. Maximum strength and force training goes as far as possible.
Of course, it depends on the person and the conditions in which he lives and works.
Initial training is always Stabilization and muscular endurance.
By systematically introducing training that takes place in motion, sometimes in fast running if possible, and with comparative training for maximum strength, you get the desired quality in record time.
Of course, this is the ideal training system for anyone who wants to achieve their maximum in the true sense of the word.
In the following topics, I will often look back on this aspect of training, because it is a concept that uses the most rational many elements of various types of training, which are really the most useful for achieving the form that this profession requires.