What kind of training is best for you?
Training depends on many factors. From the conditioning, and training phase, to what I did at work that day, what I ate, how much I slept, etc. Adaptation is the right word.
One thing is certain, you will always strive for the maximum result.
When the maximum is reached, which can be seen by the fact that there is no more progress, almost everyone falls into the trap and the momentum drops sharply.
It depends on why you train, but you're always happier when you achieve more, even a little.
There is no maximum in training.
You always have ways to improve something through training. If strength is achieved, it transfers to speed, then elasticity, explosiveness, etc.
But, in general, it's all about strength.
The main magic is converting power into other physical performances. And the greater the strength, the greater the physical performance.
On my YouTube channel, I have published several exercises in which the range of motion is the greatest and therefore the load on the ligaments is the greatest.
The training was adjusted because weightlifting came after more than 8 months of break, but that functional training significantly strengthened my ligaments.
Maximum weights are applied, but the range of motion in the exercise is reduced.
Inertia is used. All auxiliary muscles are maximally activated to protect the ligament. Given that I currently weigh less than 70 kg. and the weights are there somewhere to lift my body, then additionally activate many muscles that are not active during normal exercise.
This quality is inherent in functional training, but it is very valuable when the maximum is achieved in a particular exercise.
The three phases that are the more advanced part of functional training are 1. Hypertrophy, 2. Maximum strength, 3. Strength development.
The US National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has created a science-based program called Optimal Performance Training (OPT).
What you won't hear from anyone is that the correct application of these rules is really individual. The coach's knowledge and experience play a big role in this. The amount of effectiveness depends on the coach.
My personal opinion is that you can do the first two phases, which actually adapt the muscular system, as a group. After that, there is a significant difference in progress, and not only changes in intensity are important, but also many other factors that influence the progress to be greater.
By including weights in training, you get energy, which we call strength.
Again, primarily depending on what the goal is, the training is adapted to the person and his abilities.
Small things are very important in this whole process. Many will not discover it. And there are even more who hide it.
You see that... It is very important how you catch the weight. Gradation of training. Order of exercises.
I will expand on the topic so that you can understand it better and we will reveal another secret that you will not find on the Internet.
This is very important to a large number of people who train.
How you are positioned during the exercise and movement mechanics!
The vast majority of people are motivated to train in order to look attractive and sporty.
The correct movement in the exercise is already defined, but...
In order to improve your appearance, it very often happens that the correct execution of the exercise by definition can lead to deformity!
But many do not know that.
You see.
When you train to look better, the exercises are adapted to the person's body constitution, and often the biomechanics of the exercise are significantly different from the defined ones.
You see, when you do a couple of workouts, even ten very wrong, there will be no harm. If you do something wrong for a few years, there will almost certainly be consequences.
The point at the end of the topic is just a few more but the most important sentences. When you exercise, you need to know that the way you exercise shapes the construction of your muscular system and thus your appearance. Briefly. If you train for appearance, then train the way you would like to look in that exercise! You will look exactly the way you train!
I hope that this time too, someone reading my texts will find a solution to the secrets of training.