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The most effective way to achieve maximum power

Writer's picture: Drag SnerDrag Sner

In order to clearly describe what the most important part of muscle progression is, whatever quality it is, I have to repeat the most important points.

The muscular system consists of slow and fast muscle fibers. There is concentric, eccentric and isometric muscle fiber activity.

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Slow units are activated first because they have the lowest stimulation threshold, while fast units have a high stimulation threshold. Untrained people cannot achieve the activation of fast units (and this means the full potential of the muscles), due to too high a stimulus threshold.

What kind of training is best for you?

Muscle force is the product of the activity of muscle subunits (sarcomeres, myofibrils, and muscle fibers). Muscle growth is the result of an increase in individual fibers, not their division (hyperplasia), so people with a larger number of fibers in their muscles have a greater predisposition to playing sports.

What kind of training is best for you?

There are two types of muscle hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. Sarcoplasmic is characterized by an increase in the amount of sarcoplasm (interfibrillar substance) and non-contractile proteins. With myofibrils, there is an increase in muscle fibers at the expense of a greater number of myofilaments, i.e. actin and myosin. Myofibril hypertrophy then means muscles with greater force production, that is, greater strength.

A significant change refers to a change in muscle architecture, i.e. an increase in the angle of compression of the muscle on the tendon, which leads to an increase in the cross-section of the muscle without hypertrophy. High-load training leads to these changes resulting in greater force production.

During a movement that is explosive, i.e. performed at high speed, the angle of involvement of the muscles on the tendon decreases.

There are functional training methods for the most effective improvement of physical performance and Structural methods for more effective improvement of the structure or appearance of the muscles. I will only list them in order.

Functional methods

1. Method of maximum stresses

a) Method of maximum dynamic contractions

b) Method of isometric stresses

c) Eccentric contraction method

2. Method of explosive dynamic stimuli

a) Speed - a powerful method

b) Ballistic method

3. Reactive method

a) Plyometrics.

b) Contrast method

Structural methods

a) Standard method

b) Extensive method of bodybuilding

c) Intensive method of bodybuilding

Each of these methods has phases, precisely defined intensity, number of sets, number of repetitions, speed of repetition, and breaks.

Each of these determinations is based on scientifically based results. But that doesn't mean that you, as a coach, should apply them to everyone.

Each person is completely different and the coach should choose the most effective method from this doctrine in order to achieve the desired result.

Stabilization or balance is valuable in the neuromuscular system and is an indispensable link in functional training.

Balance - (control of body position).

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has designed a systematic, progressive, and integrated balance development program divided into three levels.

(1)The first level consists of exercises that are used to create joint stability.

Isometric exercises lead to static compression of joint receptors that ensure reflex stabilization of joints. Disturbances in balance that cause limb movements stimulate the mutual interaction of receptors for a better response in establishing balance. As a result, the sensitivity of the muscle spindle increases, which improves the efficiency of the neuromuscular system.

The exercises belonging to this level can be divided into simple one-legged exercises, then one-legged exercises with hand movements that cause interference, and exercises on different surfaces such as beams, air cushions, sponges, and rollers. Also, multi-level exercises are used such as kicks, front kicks, and circular movements with the legs, as well as exercises in which horizontal and vertical movements of push, pull, and rotation are represented.

2.) The second level consists of more dynamic exercises that include eccentric and concentric movements of the legs, maintaining balance throughout the entire range of motion. Movements require a high level of dynamic control during which they end with isometric stabilization at the end of the movement. Nervous demands become greater as the speed and specificity of the exercises increase.

Examples of exercises are as follows: one-legged squat, one-legged squat combined with an overhead press, one-legged deadlift, one-legged lunge, one-legged lunge, and many others.

3.) The third and last level consists of exercises that require a high level of eccentric strength, dynamic neuromuscular efficiency, and reactive joint stabilization. Exercise groups can be divided into jumps on one leg or jump from one leg to another in all planes.

It seems that the speed of force expression during balance can affect the ability to quickly express maximal force, that is, explosive power.

In strength training, muscles are activated voluntarily in order to perform a certain movement, while in balance training, muscles are activated with the aim of maintaining balance.

Balance training aims to improve the efficiency of the afferent contribution in the control of neuromuscular movements as well as faster activation of the muscles surrounding the joints.

Such knowledge gives the possibility of using balance training as a supplement to strength training with the aim of maximum development of explosive power, especially in demanding sports with explosive contractile abilities in combination with precise movement control.

The more the muscle is affected by more aspects, the better, but you have to know the right way to convert the maximum power into the necessary quality.

Now I will explain in the simplest way the muscle reaction that I consider the most effective in achieving maximum strength.

The overexertion modality or the contrast method is a training in which you shock the muscle with too much weight. Assistants are essential in this regard.

So, if five repetitions are done, the last two are done with the help of a helper. Immediately, without a break, do a set with the maximum weight you did last time. The exercise can be the same. It can be a similar exercise with the same biomechanical movements or a completely different exercise.

Take a look. The muscle registers overstrain and quickly adapts to overstrain. By placing a weight that is less than one that is too heavy, the muscle can handle this effort much more easily. I note that the share of helpers is precious and that there is a possibility of injury if the helpers are not experts.

Stabilization or balance is valuable in the neuromuscular system and is an indispensable link in functional training.

If you are a professional, then the trainer's story must be about the adaptation of these methods to the sports discipline you are engaged in.

I hope it is not too factual and that the matter is clear. I hope that this text will help many people in their search for the ideal training for themselves.

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