Using the example of the work of one muscle, we will discover many important things that will help us discover what kind of training is for you.
The triceps muscle is the muscle necessary to straighten the arm. If you're hitting a ball or anything else, on the floor, throwing it, pushing something, hitting something, bouncing off something, or lifting yourself, then the triceps muscle is very important in that process.
The strength of this muscle is essential for every athlete.
This muscle has 30% to 40% more fast-twitch muscle fibers than any other muscle in the arm. Foot muscles, for example, responsible for standing and walking have 30% to 40% more slow muscle fibers.
This tells you about the role and how you should train this muscle to use it to its full potential.
Although to this day, science still cannot reliably say whether muscle fibers are multiplying or just increasing their volume, one thing is certainly clear.
The modality of overexertion is the only way to increase your muscles.
Today's trends in training and achieving results in sports are significantly more advanced than all the previous ones, but the human race is generally much more passive in physical activities.
This is precisely what leads numerous types of training to subordinate their purpose to potentially the most numerous consumers, more precisely, people who are practically physically inactive.
If you need any activity because you are in the office all day, then these are the right workouts for you. If you still want something more, then you have to find which training is for you.
Modern scientific knowledge shows that short interval training sessions can be just as effective as long training sessions of more moderate intensity.
With TRX suspension bands, you can effectively train your entire body in just 15 minutes — even if you're on a business trip or on vacation.
This is the absolute truth and applies to all recreational players without distinction.
This does not apply to those who have mastered the recreational way of training. You simply need more intensity than the TRX Suspension Bands provide.
In my opinion, it is much more important to find a trainer who will put together and determine the training according to you and your needs.
I will repeat this again.
There is a big difference if the trainer applies an established program on you and if he adapts the program to you.
The difference is huge in the potential you can reach.
Why I took the triceps muscle as an example.
Many don't even have this muscle because they don't have hand movements that would activate it, even in its basic form.
This muscle requires loading, explosive, and fast exercises to hit it in full. It is very important for all sports in which the hands are the most active.
However, what kind of training is for you?
You can do triceps exercises anywhere.
On my YouTube channel, I have shown very effective exercises that you can do in the park, in nature, and also at home.
One of the secrets of training with a barbell or on machines if you train triceps is the way you hold the barbell.
If you are a recreational athlete, it is not so important because you do not work with more than 30% load. But, if you train seriously, the way you hold the bar or the device is very important. It is of crucial importance, however, if you train maximum strength and do series up to the so-called muscle failure.
The basic triceps exercise, which affects all three bundles of which it is composed, is the two-handed overhead triceps press.
You can do this with weights or on machines or on any surface in the park or at home.
The whole thing is in the position of the thumb.
The position of the thumb when pushing the load in this exercise significantly affects the quality and the lower likelihood of ligament injury.
Ligaments are the most sensitive part of the muscular system because they suffer the greatest forces during stress.
Gripping the bar with your thumb over it is the best option.
It is used when pushing the body away from the bar or other surface or on the lat machine.
In this way, biomechanics is ideal, and the joint is the most protected.
When lifting weights from the head, such a grip is not practiced for safety reasons.
Ideally, even then, the position of the bar in your hand would be like when you run your thumb over it.
This requires training and the habit of catching in that way.
The point of the whole story is to relieve the wrist and fingers in order to maximize the potential of the triceps in training.
It is even more important that this is even more important in the bench press because that joint is the most vulnerable during the push.
It is the small movement that moves the thumb over the bar that puts the bar in the ideal position to perform maximum reps on the push.
A very important thing when doing push-ups is expelling air from the lungs at the moment of pushing.
The chest is reduced by natural biomechanics during pushing and it is normal for air to be expelled.
The common practice of exhaling air whenever the load is the greatest is completely wrong because a large number of exercises at these moments expand the chest using natural biomechanics.
That is a separate topic and we will leave it for next time.