Light bodyguard training on the ground floor is training without downtime and rest.
You are always on the move or with small stops to change your attitude.
If you want something more than normal form, then these are the right exercises for you.
In addition to coordination and functionality, you will quickly get rid of all excess fat tissue. Your appearance and confidence will be much better.
On my YouTube channel, I played a couple of short clips with examples of exercises.
Why am I always in a tone that suggests bodyguard training?
For the reason that it is not about the type of training, but about the multitude of pieces of training that are most expediently applied, adapted, and perfected.
A profession that means you have to be healthy, focused, with pure mental strength, physically strong, but also fast, explosive, and durable completely.
It depends on whether you will recognize the danger and react in time and in the right way.
Many times you don't have ideal conditions to stay in shape, but you train improvised and maximally in order to be in maximum shape.
You see, I prepared six books on the bodyguard business, one of which is circulating on the Internet and was on sale for several months.
One of the topics that is very important is the training of bodyguards.
The whole doctrine is to adapt your training to the situations you find yourself in, and this requires you to first learn how to do it.
There are three determinants that are the basis of training.
First of all, you need to know how to speed up and how to slow down your metabolism.
Under two, you must not depend on anything. In other words, nothing should affect your psychophysical fitness.
Under three, you need to know how your activities and training affect your psychophysical fitness. Depending on the situation, you adapt these parameters to your needs.
In addition to numerous licenses and diplomas for bodyguards, some of which are the most valued international licenses,
I also hold one of the most internationally recognized diplomas as a specialist in functional training.
Based on my experience and knowledge, today on my blog I will start the topic of weight loss, which is very relevant today.
The story is actually very simple. You are taking in fewer calories than you are burning and it is normal for fat stores to be used up.
How to spend calories is the real question.
The organism is programmed to consume carbohydrates first, then proteins and fats are consumed last when there are no more carbohydrates and proteins.
But according to the latest research, there are activities that primarily burn fat. These are processes that give a signal that they will last a long time and where explosive power or speed is not required.
As long as these actions last and all that time fat is consumed.
It has been scientifically proven that any exercise that does not significantly raise your heart rate burns fat. It is actually the most realistic rapper.
If you don't raise your heart rate the entire time you're running, you'll burn fat.
Today, there are many tables and definitions that try to shape calorie consumption and list all the factors that affect metabolism.
The bottom line is that everything revolves around the amount of carbohydrates consumed and the secretion of insulin.
Carbohydrates contain the most calories and if you do not immediately consume what they offer you, they turn into fat very quickly.
Over time, you will understand how much your basal metabolism is carrying and when it is accelerated, and when it is slowed down.
I don't want to write about what is logical, but about what is realistic.
Unfortunately, it is not available online.
You see.
The human organism is a system extremely ingeniously connected in many ways. You have entire volumes of medical science books written about it.
I want to write about what you actually see and feel as a result of the way you treat your body.
One of the important items is how, and what you eat.
If you eat a lot, there is a danger that the abdominal wall will loosen over time. This is how a large stomach is formed.
If you repeatedly eat small meals, there is a risk that you will slow down your metabolism and accumulate fat.
The human organism is like a high-end computer system and behaves exactly as you treat it.
It adapts very quickly to everything you give him.
You see.
A large amount of food at once means that we are preparing for more physical work with a large expenditure of energy, and it automatically speeds up our metabolism, preparing for it.
If the meals are small, this will reduce energy consumption and thus slow down the metabolism.
It's the same with training.
The organism adapts to the load, speed, or number of repetitions with which we treat it.
If we train explosive power to the maximum, then the muscular system will undergo a transformation in order to be ready for the next training session.
This preparation requires energy and an increase in metabolic processes to prepare for the next training with this kind of effort.
All the time of building the muscular system, joints, and ligaments, our body consumes fat.
In order not to go too far. To be clear, this is the point.
You eat more than once. Food must contain all the necessary elements that are needed for the construction and functionality of our muscular system. You are training for maximum strength. The muscular system is built and fat is burned. Do cardio without getting your heart rate up significantly.
This is the base.
What remains undefined are the quantities. Of course, there is no universal key, but there is a way to make one for everyone.
What you need to know is that if you take in more calories than you burn, of course, the excess will be stored as fat.
On the other hand, if you don't have enough calories and still do explosive strength training, your body will start eating your own muscles for energy.
It's that feeling when the muscles hurt even with smaller weights.
Many people who train and do not have the right attitude towards it, have their muscles hurt without realizing it is because of it.
Of course, I will refer to supplementation in my texts as it is imperative in these processes.
Supplementation in today's scientific revolutions has completely changed the thinking and attitude toward the training of the vast majority of people. There is enormous progress in this field.
The basis is still the same. The organism behaves exactly the way we treat it.
However, this has led to the creation of a large number of supplement addicts. Such people cannot train without supplementation.
Let's leave that for next time because the topic is extensive and very interesting.
I hope that this text will help many people to understand training in the right way better.
On my YouTube channel, I played a couple of short clips with examples of exercises.