Increasing muscle mass and increasing speed and explosiveness (one of the most important things)
There are many theories and science-based programs in sports, and many are very effective. However, each one is related to a certain area and none of them can be generally accepted as a general program for all sports and all athletes.
Every activity is certainly useful. If you want more than that, then you have to discover the essence of the training, so that it would be the most effective depending on the goal you are aiming for.
Believe me, nothing is more important in your life than training, because good training also means good health or immunity, and without it, you are as if you have nothing.
The basic term for all training is a muscle contraction that is increased muscle tone.
Increased muscle tone (tension) during the muscle shortening is concentric tone.
It happens when we lift or push something from the ground upwards.
Increased muscle tone when we lower something to the ground is eccentric muscle tone. For today's title, this is important, so we will not expand further and we will devote ourselves to it.
Let me simplify so that everyone can understand.
Man is born with two types of skeletal muscles.
Fast muscle fibers and slow muscle fibers
Fast muscle fibers consume glycogen, get tired quickly, and are activated when we lift a load from the ground, when we make explosive and fast movements and engage in sports
where explosive strength and speed of movement are required.
Slow muscle fibers, burn fat slowly, tire much more slowly, and they are active when we drop something to the ground or do light work, and they are mostly engaged in endurance sports... In general, we can say that if the heart rate does not exceed 35% to 40%, only slow muscle fibers work.
I'll take the bench press as an example.
When lifting weights from the chest upwards, fast muscle fibers work.
When we lower them, then work slowly muscle.
It is similar to all other exercises.
However, why is it important for people who train with a goal?
Because the effect of the training is not the same, if you only lift the load and the weight of the earth is used to lower the load or if you control the lowering of the weights.
Today, there is even a term "negative repetitions" where you only lower the weights with weights that exceed those that can be lifted.
The point is this:
In order to develop speed, explosiveness, mass, and fast muscle fibers, you will try to lift the weight as quickly as possible (even if that means centimeter by centimeter).
And in order to develop endurance, strength, and mass of slow muscle fibers, you will lower the load in a controlled manner and as slowly as possible.
What inevitably follows from this title is the difference between exercises that are isolation and basic ones that engage a larger number of muscles.
Basic exercises that hit larger muscle groups engage both auxiliary muscles (which help the basic muscles in performing the exercise) and stabilizer muscles (which hold the body in the correct position)
Isolation exercises affect only a specific muscle group.
Which ones are used for what and which method is the most effective, we will leave for the next time.