There are many ways to develop the quality you need in sports. Depending on what is most important to you, the way you train must be the most appropriate.
I will partially open the eyes of many on this topic so that they know the most basic things.
Functional training, as the most comprehensive way of training to increase intensity in any exercise, uses several methods.
First, an increase in tempo or speed when repeated or extended time under tension.
Second, changing the location and number of support points.
Third, decreasing and increasing the range of motion. Fourth, adding external resistance, etc.
Increasing the intensity means increasing the effort in performing the exercise. The exercises are performed so that the whole body participates in them.
Proprioception develops and the body reacts neurologically synchronously in a natural way. Progress is conditioned by the appropriate intensity and number of repetitions in the exercise. It depends on the physical capabilities of the exerciser. It can be said that the maximum weight is actually part of our body that we lift at a certain angle and under certain conditions. The synergy of the upper and lower body is always connected through the core. The advantages are primarily functionality, elasticity, durability, and strength to a certain extent.
Another way is weight lifting in bodybuilding, where everything is subordinated to only one muscle group.
Only the targeted muscles work while keeping the others engaged as little as possible. With this kind of training, the muscle bundles can be hit much harder, considering that the helpers and stabilizers of the muscles are turned off.
There are fewer forces on the ligaments and joints and the strength comes to the fore. This way of training can achieve the greatest benefit in power.
The combination with functional training is a hybrid way of training and gives incredible results in all professional sports. This so-called hybrid method of training aimed at improving the physical performance of athletes is actually the most common in professional sports, regardless of what it is. It has proven to be the most effective for breaking through the physical maximums of athletes.
The hybrid way of training is actually a part of functional training and has many different variants depending on what the goal of the training is.
The third way of training is machines with cables.
The cables on the machines are also a part that functional training uses a lot. First, every lunge and work with one hand activates the diagonal muscle chains. They work exactly in a natural way. The ligaments are constantly under pressure, and the balance is under the strong involvement of the stabilizer muscles. High-intensity rotations can also be done.
In my opinion, it is the method that, if you know how to adapt to your goals, gives the greatest range and possibilities.
Strength, proprioception, elasticity, explosiveness, endurance.
This training method is maximally simple and adaptable to any purpose.
Normal if you put a little more weight.
Today, however, isolation exercises and endurance exercises are mostly performed on cables. These are exercises with small weights.
Simply, exercises on cables with a higher weight activate a large number of muscles and the amount of energy expenditure is high. They tighten the ligaments and engage significantly more stabilizers and support muscles when lifting heavier weights, which is why they are not as popular.
On my YouTube channel, I recorded a comparative performance of all three types of training.
One exercise is a pectoral stretch and the other is a triceps exercise. It is normal that the weights you want to lift must be as close as possible so that the "finishing" surface is as good as possible. Power is the magic around which everything revolves.
All three methods can be part of hybrid training, and it all depends on the goal and purpose of the training.
In the first exercise, it is clear that you have to control active balance. And that's not a big problem. There is a pronounced tension of the ligaments. The weight is limited by moving the support point to the farthest point.
In the second example, it is clear that balance is not a problem since you are lying on a bench. Ligaments and muscles are relieved for that part. The emphasis is on the muscle bundle that lifts the load. Strength is the most involved in this type of training. Or rather, this is the most effective way to achieve the pure strength of a particular muscle bundle.
The third method is cables.
Here you can see that your balance is barely maintained as your weight literally lifts off the ground. All supporting muscles and stabilizers are maximally engaged. Ligaments and joints are under the greatest pressure because the range of motion is great. The muscle that lifts the load is maximally loaded. In this way, the central nervous system is more burdened than the muscle itself. The excitability of motor neurons, or muscle reaction, increases.
The strength developed in this way is not related to an increase in muscle mass.
If we pair this exercise as the first with either of the previous two in the form of a superset.
Then it serves not only as a stimulant of nervous excitation but also as a modality of overexertion.
Five repetitions are done with the maximum weight on the cables and then five to ten repetitions with a weight or with your own weight.
I hope this helps with some basics in goal practice.
What kind of training is best for you?
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