Natural strength is the genetic code that your inheritance gives you through generations.
The real magic is to achieve your own maximum strength through training.
In the video on my YouTube channel, my body weight is barely 70 kg, and the weights in my hands weigh 60 kg.
I train my bicep muscles.
If you consider that I don't have any special conditions. I don't take supplements, and my diet is quite normal, as everyone here eats. It can be said that my natural, explosive strength is quite satisfactory.
These are the exercises you do with the so-called swing. My body weight is small and there is a danger that the weight in my hands will pull me over the biceps bench. Again, this involves the whole body in the exercise. The functional part of the exercise is satisfied.
I owe a big contribution to my current form to my own experience and functional training.
This is always my go-to biceps curl test.
If my training is discontinuous, it happens that I am a little below that level.
If I have everything right, from nutrition, supplementation, rest, etc., then it happens that I exceed my own body weight during exercise in both triceps and biceps.
Strength potentially increases with increasing body weight. If you keep track, you can determine exactly what body weight is ideal for your goals.
It often happens that people are surprised in this sense.
Beyond the limit of normal...
A modality of overexertion is applied in functional training in a phase called force.
This only applies when a person successfully passes all five stages. 1. stabilization and 2. endurance. 3. hypertrophy, 4. maximum strength 5. power.
It is done in the style of super sets and metabolic cycles. The break between series is eliminated.
Do five repetitions of the exercise for power, and then without rest ten repetitions for strength.
I'll say it simply, in the example of pull-ups.
In the first series, I load myself with a weight of 30 to 40 kilograms and do five pull-ups. Immediately without much pause. Maybe a few seconds to change the load. I put on 20-kilogram weights and do ten repetitions of pull-ups.
You see what's happening.
In the first series, the muscle received a signal for great effort. In the next set, when the weight is twice as much as the previous one, he is encouraged to do much more than his usual maximum.
It's a magic called muscle overload modality.
It is a special spell if you know how to apply it to two different exercises.
Knowledge of biomechanics and experience make coaches with this approach top-notch and completely valuable for professionals in sports.
Natural strength
When I put 60 kg on my triceps, which I push from my head, this is what happens.
My body weight is 70 kg, which means that the weight of the Olympic bar and the weight of the plates are moving the rest of my body and disrupting stability.
Every muscle in the body works maximally to maintain the work of the main muscle, i.e. the triceps, in the push from the head.
Strength training, which is not conditional on increasing muscle mass, is the magic that allows me to often lift on my triceps and weights higher than my body weight.
My speed and explosiveness are getting even better, and my elasticity is not decreasing.
My training is completely purposeful and specific.
Bodyguards are people who hide their skills.
I decided to discover the charms of training that will make everyone ready for all challenges.
Isolation exercises
Isolation exercises are a surprise for my body
Each type of training has its purpose and none should be underestimated.
Today, the trend is to consider isolation exercises as an outdated way of training that is unique only to bodybuilding.
However, it is a great benefit if you get the point.
Only with isolation exercises can you overcome the saturation caused by classic maximum strength, explosiveness, or even functionality training.
You see...
When a muscle reaches its physical maximum in a specific exercise in which the entire muscle chain participates in turn. The only force that hits that muscle harder is achieved with isolation exercises.
After all, the change in biomechanics itself is a refreshing change.
Bodybuilding is somewhat neglected, mostly due to the use of anabolic steroids.
Nevertheless, the way of eating, the rhythm, and the way of getting in shape, and especially isolation exercises that maximally affect every muscle fiber, are very useful for anyone who wants more from training.
It was not interesting for me personally in the beginning because I trained only for strength.
Once I decided to try to fulfill all their protocols and train for a month like a bodybuilder. The training sessions were too easy for me. And then. I was surprised by how much I improved my strength in all muscle groups after that.
Nutritionism as a science basically has its roots in the original bodybuilding.
If you're doing isolation training, like a bodybuilder, below about 60%, then that's pure relaxation for me. For me, such training rests the muscles, repairs the ligaments that I overstrained and completely refreshes me.
I'm always much better the next practice.
My way is the best
If you want to be healthy, strong, fast, explosive, elastic, and handsome, then this is the right training for you.
The doctrine I cultivate is bodyguard magic.
To be successful in this job, you must have excellent performance.
The entire training is adapted to everyone.
The base is functional training to which everything needed is added, depending on the purpose.
I hope my tips help people looking for their training